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Bam! Personal Injury Avoidance and Safety Tips

By: Henry Lawson
Personal injuries can happen to anyone. Some personal injuries can be life altering to the point where the only thing left to think about is regret. Most personal injuries can be avoided by taking some simple precautions. Whether inside the home or while out-and-about, taking some simple, common sense action steps can save you and your loved ones from life-altering injuries.

In Home

Avoid personal injuries inside the home by applying some common sense fire safety methods. Keep all flammables such as plastic and linens away from heat sources. Never bring gasoline inside the home and be sure to store in a safe place and within an approved container. Douse cigarettes and butts outside the home. Do not leave heat sources such as the stove, candles or barbeque grill unattended. Have the fireplace and chimney professionally cleaned once a year. Do not overload electrical outlets and check all power cord wires for wear and tear.

Home security is not just to protect your possessions but to protect your personal welfare as well. Check to make sure all door hinges are on the inside and that all door and window locks are operable. Use deadbolts on all your main household doors. Check outside lighting and use motion detector lights to deter unwanted visitors. Install a reliable home security alarm system as a high-tech solution and / or get a watchdog as a low-tech solution. Ask a trusted neighbor to watch your home when you’re away. Join or develop a neighborhood watch program on your street.

For parents, the first thing to think about in avoiding personal injuries inside the home is childproofing your house. Besides installing the necessary hardware, such as safety locks on cabinets, it is also important to educate your children about avoiding flames and heat sources such as stoves, fireplaces, candles and light bulbs. Matches and lighters need to be locked in a secure place. Have older children memorize your address, phone number and particularly 911 in case of emergency.

Outside the Home

Avoiding personal injuries while out-and-about can be achieved by being aware of surroundings and knowing what to do in case of emergency. When taking trips into the wilderness, carry plenty of water, a compass or GPS device, a map, a cell phone and an emergency blanket. Let someone not in the hike know where you’ll be going and when you’ll return.

When walking around urban areas, the safest spots are well-lit, well-trafficked areas. Spread your valuables around your body rather than all in one place. Try to be inconspicuous with your valuables as well. Take a self-defense and /or personal safety course in case you are accosted. Where legal, carry pepper spray, a personal alarm, whistle or just yell “Fire!” as this will usually get more results than yelling for help. Run away rather than fight. Stay alert to your surroundings rather than being distracted with a personal stereo or cell phone. Pay particular attention around ATM machines and choose ones that are well lit and populated rather than ones that are dimly lit and isolated.

Since personal injuries can happen to anyone, it is important to take some common sense precautions as part of our daily lives and daily routines. Educate your loved ones about these precautions as well. By making this a “team effort” everyone can benefit personally.

About the Author

Copyright © 2005 Personal Injury Info

Personal Injury - Henry Lawson writes for Personal Injury Info, a company dedicated to publishing comprehensive medical and legal information regarding personal injury and safety.

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